Monday, February 9, 2015

Sorry this is so short...

 Subject: Sorry this is so short...
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 14:39:02 -0700

Hey family!

     So we have a zone activity soon, so I'm just going to tell you the highlights this week.  First of all, it has been really sunny and warm here (like 67 degrees!).  I'm sorry to hear that it has been so yucky in Washington!

     On Monday, we had a district activity, where we threw colored corn starch at each other.  I hope you got the pictures.  That evening, we had a miracle!  We went to see L, who is pretty close to baptism, but she wasn't there, so we ended up teaching her 19 year old daughter, J, instead.  J has two kids (one is 3 weeks old), but is not married.  But she was super receptive and she really wants to be baptized.  She is what you would call a golden investigator.  Definitely a tender mercy of the Lord.  

On Saturday, we were finally able to teach someone we found several weeks ago, and he was really interested in listening to us.  Last night at our dinner appointment, I learned that after God took away the plates and the Urim and Thumim (after Martin Harris lost the 116 pages), he only returned the plates to Joseph, so to translate them, Joseph used a stone he had found many years before, placed it in a hat, and as he looked into the hat, the Lord put the translations on the stone.  True story!!  Then, we taught our stake president and his family the Restoration with the English elders.  That was a lot of fun!  Elder Hall is dying (going home) this week, which is really sad, but I will get a picture with him before he goes.
     That is about it!  Have a great week and a great Valentine's day!  I love you all!  The church is true!

Elder Jared Weller

1 comment:

  1. Very colorful pictures. It is fun to read and see the pictures. Thanks Kathy.
